Wondering what the 4D Lab is up to? Here are some recent publications and presentations reflecting our work.
Glosenberg, A., Behrend, T., Tracey, T., Blustein, D. L., McChesney, J. E., & Foster, L. (in press). Evidence for “pushed out” and “opt out” factors in women’s career inclusion across the world of work in the United States. Journal of Career Assessment.
McChesney, J. E., Campbell, C., Wang, J., & Foster, L. (in press). What is in a name? Effects of game-framing on perceptions of employers. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.
Noble, S. M., Saville, J. D., & Foster, L. (in press). VR as a choice: What drives learners’ technology acceptance? International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
Paul, S. C., Bartmann, N., & Clark, J. (in progress). Customizability in conversational agents and their impact on health engagement. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. Accepted – Round1.